Ceramics Museum Gallery Write-Up

Untitled, 1976 – Graham Marks


Landscape #2,2007 – Hongwei Li


Torso,1984 – David Horak


Leave Your Sumptuous Grandeur, and Return to these Rocks,2015 – Jesse Ring


Rah-Rah,2010 – Mahlon Huston


The gallery I went to was at the Alfred Ceramic Art Museum in Alfred University. The gallery was made up of intricate and interesting sculptures. Many of which were based on human shapes, pottery, three-dimensional patterns, etc. The pieces I enjoyed the most, all have unique design elements or unique design concepts that I did not see in a lot of other pieces. ‘Rah-Rah’, for example, is a piece that incorporated movement. The gold pom poms on the wooden sticks can be seen moving in a circular motion against one another. This addition of motion to the sculpture draws attention and intrigue to the piece that somewhat forced me to observe it for a time. Pieces similar to ‘Leave Your Sumptuous Grandeur, and Return to these Rocks’, use materials that are not seen in most other artworks and can easily catch the eye. Others including ‘Torso’ and ‘Landscape#2′, have a very different feel. Though they use basic human shape, the creators take these shapes and add various aspects that not only makes it visually interesting, but also provokes the viewer to question the meaning behind the creation.

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